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He is on a moving train, looking outside the window. The train is empty, you are the only passenger. The train station you had to reach is passing by in front of you, where someone was waiting for you, in trepidation for your arrival. You catch her eyes. In a second, led by two

/IT Come l’aquila e come il corvo avere anche io l’ala Imbrigliare lo spasmo tremendo Sostenuto da venti furiosi Immobile nell’aria Padrone di ogni coordinate celeste /EN Like the eagle and the raven To have my own wing too To harness the tremendous spasm Backed by furious winds Still in the air Master of any celestial coordinate

/IT Ombre e luci s’infrangono e rifuggono Risacca cangiante L’occhio si adatta scrutando oltre gli abbagli e le veglie Sbarrato, imperterrito Dal labbro spezzato trabocca la soglia La fiera scoperta scartando fugge la calva radura Necessità panica Sentieri assetati contemplano il tuo arrivo Lo sguardo impregnato scavalca il silenzio di mille voci oltre questo vuoto risuonante Per venire a te   /EN   Shadows and lights break and shy away Changeful undertow The eye adjusts gazing over the dazzles and

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